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Geschlecht und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Supervision : Eine Diskursanalyse
ISBN: 3779973073 Year: 2023 Publisher: Weinheim : Beltz Juventa,

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Life isn't binary : on being both, beyond, and in-between
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1784508640 1785924796 Year: 2019 Publisher: London, England : Jessica Kingsley Publishers,

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Much of society's thinking operates in a highly rigid and binary manner; something is good or bad, right or wrong, a success or a failure, and so on. Challenging this limited way of thinking, this ground-breaking book looks at how non-binary methods of thought can be applied to all aspects of life, and offer new and greater ways of understanding ourselves and how we relate to others. Using bisexual and non-binary gender experiences as a starting point, this book addresses the key issues with binary thinking regarding our relationships, bodies, emotions, wellbeing and our sense of identity and sets out a range of practices which may help us to think in more non-binary, both/and, or uncertain ways. A truly original and insightful piece, this guide encourages reflection on how we view and understand the world we live in and how we all bend, blur or break society's binary codes.

Engendering difference
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1527514595 9781527514591 1527509192 9781527509191 Year: 2018 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne

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The transgender handbook
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1536118826 9781536118827 9781536118438 1536118435 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York

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Handbook of Children and Youth Studies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9814451967 Year: 2020 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This handbook gives a new scientific perspective to youth and childhood studies as multi scientific and interdisciplinary subjects which as such have not yet found their own framing in a particular discipline. It provides theoretical and methodological key debates and issues that develop and add an understanding of childhood and youth research discipline from a broader perspective.   The Handbook on Children and Youth Studies draws on current thinking, but also challenges theoretical and conceptual orthodoxies in the field, drawing on interdisciplinary thinking and critical perspectives. It focuses on childhood and youth to address the emerging consensus that the boundaries between childhood, youth and adulthood are blurred.   The view that defining youth and childhood largely in terms of problem topics is outdated. Instead, the handbook focuses on 13 themes that are open to international perspectives and to different conceptual approaches.  Each theme is edited by a pair of field editors, thereby capturing a plurality of views. The 13 themes as a starting point are globally timely and they need scientific debates on the boundaries between childhood, youth and adulthood   This handbook will meet the needs of childhood and youth researchers and the academics in the field. It recognizes the changing social context of the lives of children and young people, while  developing theoretical frameworks and discussing about the core substantive issues of Children and Youth Studies.

Geschlechtliche Vielfalt (er)leben : Trans*- und Intergeschlechtlichkeit in Kindheit, Adoleszenz und jungem Erwachsenenalter
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3837972313 3837925978 Year: 2016 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Mit der Thematik Trans*- und Intergeschlechtlichkeit im Kindes- und jungen Erwachsenenalter beschäftigen sich die Autor*innen des vorliegenden Buches aus interdisziplinärer und multidimensionaler Perspektive. Die Beiträge sollen insbesondere pädagogischem und psychologischem Fachpersonal eine Handreichung beim Umgang mit inter- und trans*geschlechtlichen Kindern und Jugendlichen sein und unter anderem dabei helfen, deren spezifische Bedürfnisse, Interessen und Gefühlslagen besser zu verstehen.Über aktuelle Wandlungsprozesse und Forschungsergebnisse aus diesem Bereich informieren Vertreter*innen aus Psychologie, Soziologie, Biologie und Rechtswissenschaft. Sie alle streben eine differenzierte Informiertheit der Leser*innen an, um den wertschätzenden Umgang mit inter- und trans*geschlechtlichen Personen weiter zu fördern.Mit Beiträgen von Ulrich Klocke, Emily Laing, Alexander Naß, Eike Richter, Kurt Seikowski, Heinz-Jürgen Voß und Simon Zobel

Sexual orientation and gender expression in social work practice : working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0231501862 9780231501866 9780231127288 0231127286 9780231127295 0231127294 9780231127294 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York : Columbia University Press,

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A comprehensive text book inteded to instruct social work and human services-related students and practitioners in the development of a theoretical and methodological knowledge-base for understanding and working with gay, lesbian bisexual, and transgender (""GLBT"") clients. An accompanying casebook will present critical practice situations which require greater emphasis than is practical to include in a textbook.

Feminist Perspectives on Building a Better Psychological Science of Gender
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This timely and thought-provoking collection explores the ways in which psychological science interacts with and addresses gender across varied subdisciplines in the field, from a feminist viewpoint. A particular aim of this volume is to move the conversation of gender in psychology beyond a difference-only paradigm. Veteran and emerging feminist scholars survey the handling of sex and gender issues across psychology, and describe how feminist perspectives and methodologies can and should be applied to enhance the field itself, but also in the service of social justice in the various cultures of corporations, academia, and the global stage. Contributions span theoretical advances, latest empirical findings, and real-world advocacy, with instructive and illuminating first-person accounts detailing challenges and rewards of feminist scholarship and practice in psychology. Throughout the volume, chapters document a dynamic field in its evolution from the traditional, two-dimensional study of gender-based differences to concerted multidisciplinary approaches, to cutting edge feminist theoretical and methodological advances such as intersectionality to understand gender in context. The volume is divided into three distinct sections. The first covers current theory and research in psychological science that considers gender beyond a difference-only paradigm. Then, leading feminist scholars reflect upon their own experiences in their respective subdisciplines. Finally, the third section explores innovative best practices and applications for feminist psychological science.  Highlights of the coverage: •             Beyond difference: Gender as a quality of social settings. •             Adventures in feminist health psychology: Teaching about and conducting feminist psychological science. •             Mind the thigh gap? Bringing feminist psychological science to the masses. •             Feminist psychologists and institutional change in universities. With its stimulating compilation of theories, research, and applications, Feminist Perspectives On Building A Better Psychological Science of Gender is one of the most forward-thinking and innovative treatments of the field in recent years. It is a significant and important text for all psychologists, women’s and gender studies specialists, social science researchers, and all those interested in using evidence-based psychological science to create a more just and equitable world.

Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender
ISBN: 3319595318 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This Encyclopedia contains five sections. The first section, Sexual Behavior, includes types of sexual behaviors (clinical and non-clinical), and behaviors and media associated with sexual behavior, including pornography and laws related to regulating sexual behavior. The second section, Sexual Orientation, reviews the many aspects of what is known about sexual attraction, sexual orientation and identity, and what is known about its development. Section three, Relationships and Reproduction, covers what is known about pair-bonding, mate choice, and sexual/romantic relationships across the animal kingdom, as well as pregnancy and reproduction. Section four, Gender, reviews topics such as what is gender and gender identity, cross-cultural aspects of gender and gender identity, and sex reassignment. Lastly, section five, Sexuality and Gender Science, reviews the history of sexuality and gender science (including its major contributors), typical research methodologies, and research societies and journals whose focus is related to sexuality and/or gender research. .

Gender, sex, and sexuality among contemporary youth
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1787149951 1787146138 1787146146 9781787146136 9781787146143 9781787149953 9781787146143 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bingley Emerald Publishing Limited

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Researchers, practitioners, and parents have increasingly become concerned about issues related to sex, gender, and sexuality among children and adolescents. With access to the Internet, young people around the globe can readily obtain virtually any and all information they seek concerning sex and sexuality. In many cultures, the clothing and fashions of children, adolescents, and young adults are increasingly merging, leaving little clear distinction between them, and creating what some consider to be the 'sexualization' of children's and adolescents' clothing. Coinciding with such changes, young people are more openly expressing their own gender identity, often leading to considerable social debate about feminine and masculine identities, and also transgendered identities. This collection provides unique insight into identity formation for contemporary youth and examines the evolving norms concerning sex, gender, and sexuality in the lives of children and adolescents addressing topics including the development of gender identity, sexual behavior among youth, LGBT youth, transgendered youth, parental and peer influences upon the development of gender and gender identity and dating violence.

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